Glum weather = glum runs? No thanks!

Yesterday was a shorter day – temp or hills.  I went for tempo, although my tempo leaned more towards adante the allegro.  2 years of music theory in college and there you go.  The weather yesterday was damp, hazy, foggy, and.. just plain beautiful!   I had the most cleansing and exhilirating run, the kind where the weather dampens the sounds so much that all you hear are the sounds of your feet and your own thoughts.

I know that most people see this kind of weather and feel depressed, and I remember when that was the case.  But that’s one benefit I’ve gained through running and working out.  I’ve found that my opinion on weather is now relative.  The types of weather that I used to dread are now the ones that excite me and motivate me.  How about you?  Has your opinion of weather changed since you started moving more??

Tuesday was the Tulsa Running Club’s weekly track workout.  I’ve found that I have a loving dread of these workouts.  The goal of the track workout is to help you get faster by teaching your body to feel certain paces.  Tuesday’s pace was 7:15 miles.  Now, for this big girl, that’s a pretty quick little clip.   But it really does feel good to see what your body can do.  It’s such an amazing rush to wonder if you can do something, and then feel that excitement afterwards that you pushed your body to new lengths and it responded.

The only bad part of the track workout is sandbaggers.  And that made me think – have you ever worked out or ran with someone who could be much faster or stronger than you, but always sandbagged so they could be the best in the group?  I know it’s a normal behavior.  We all would rather find ourselves at the front of the group, the winner, than to move to a higher level and have to struggle to keep up.  But I have to keep reminding myself to push myself.  Only when I allow myself to fight can I get stronger.  The same is true of strength training.  Sure, it’s a great feeling when you’re lifting to be able to do all your sets without straining, but are you really accomplishing anything.  You might not be able to finish all those sets if you add more weight, but given time, you’ll get strong enough that you can.

Do something today to push yourself to be stronger either physically, mentally, or spiritually.  It doesn’t have to be life changing, but see if that little bit of discomfort you feel yeilds you great rewards.

Then tell me about it!!  And tell me about your weekend plans – long run?  Long ride?  Just keep moving!!

~ by Shawna on February 5, 2010.

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